Mabanee has three committees emanating from its Board of Directors, which are (the Audit and Risk Committee, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and the Investment Committee). These committees work as supporting arms for the Board of Directors in the administrative oversight process, studying topics related to the nature of its work in detail and issuing recommendation to the Board of Directors to enable it to make sound decisions.
Out of Mabanee Company’s keenness to enhance the level of transparency, disclosure and continuous availability of information to investors, we are pleased to present to you the (Transparency Window) initiative, which indicates equity percentage of Mabanee’s major shareholders, board members and executive management team, provided that it shall be updated from time to time.
Through this step, Mabanee Company attempts to give its shareholders, investors and the public a clear and updated account of the fundamental changes occurring in the ownership of its shares, so as to enable the concerned parties to reach an objective assessment of the Mabanee’s status and to reflect the size of their investment therein.
Transparency & Disclosure Policy
Related Party Transaction Policy
Mabanee adhere to the highest standards of business ethics in order to maintain a commitment to integrity in everything we do in compliance and adherence to the rules that must be followed when conducting the company’s business and activities.
Every person in the company plays a vital role in achieving that commitment through proper behavior that reflects our core values during the performance of business and daily activities of the company, and this includes contributing to adopting a safe competitive environment characterized by integrity with the aim of providing world-class service to our customers and dealing with others in all aspects time.
Mabanee Company’s Article of Association explain the key details that define the Company, its business and the rules and procedures governing it, indicating the legal framework that Mabanee is required to adhere to when conducting its business, in addition to local laws, regulations and best practices. The aforementioned Articles of Association also include the Company’s activities and capital, in addition to clarifying the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and executive management, features of the Remuneration Policy, shareholders’ rights and meetings’ procedures, in addition to the method of appointing the external auditor and his role, the dividend distribution policy and other matters.
Mabanee Company’s Articles of Association are deemed a constitution and a legal reference for all matters of concern to the stakeholders.
Integrity Line
Integrity Line is a confidential reporting system that covers the Company's operations in the region. It is managed at the Company’s level to allow all employees and relevant persons to report incidents and cases involving illegal practices, theft, fraud, corruption or misconduct.
For more information, you can read our Whistleblowing Policy
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy
Please submit your whistleblower allegations or accusations through this email: